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Monday, September 24, 2007

Kirby & Erma

Saturday was a beautiful day for a morning wedding as the briliant sun rose and burned off the cool haze that blanketed the dewy fields of Amish country. Jacob (my wonderful husband) and I have known the groom since we were all small fries, and are specially connected as all three of our birthdays are all spaced out one week apart - wow, we are all growing up.....and getting married! Jacob was the videographer and I was there to assist Country Lane Photography with some candids, and thought I'd share a few of my favs.

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How cool is an airfield for wedding portraits? The planes were taking off and landing constantly - it wasn't the best situation however for those who are easily distracted (including myself!).

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I was lucky enough to catch this precious moment from the balcony with my mega zoom just a moment after they were married and before they walked back down the aisle. I love it so because it's completely unposed and real- two people now united as one connecting in this sweet moment of elation. Wowee - I can remember that moment in our wedding.... incredible.....

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Congratulations Kirby and Erma!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Little One...

Until I can post those senior pics, I thought I'd share a few I took in a quick shoot of this darling son of a coworker of mine. His deep contemplative countenance seemed out of character for someone only weeks old! My attempts to get a smile out of him were to no avail, met only by sober looks of concern for my goofiness. It was only several days after this shoot he discovered how to smile, and now seems to be a jolly little fella!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Editing Frantically!


I can't wait to post all the incredible shots we got this week from my photo session with a very beautiful and equally talented artist. She was such a good sport in trying out new places and new ideas and I'm thrilled with the images I've worked with so far! They have been the gateway for me into new realms of exploratory post-processing techniques - will share soon!

New Beginnings...

new beginnings

This is just a random photo my dear husband took of me in the badlands on our roadtrip honeymoon earlier this year. This has definitely been a year of new beginnings for me. Getting married has its own myriad of new pathways to conquer - every one of them is a joy to travel with my best friend. And my photography has found new avenues of inspiration about which I'm sooooo excited for all the great art-making experimentation ahead!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Woo Hoo! First Post! it goes.....have to make sure this thing works and everything!

This blog is way overdue in its creation. Over the past several years I have fallen more in love with photography and creating fresh and unique images, and my advancement and growth as a photographer is largely due to A LOT of experimentation and honest feedback. Therefore, what better way is there to expand artistic horizons but to post my photos for a wider-audience viewing and chewing. And of course I plan on using this blog for sneak previews for my clients of favs from recent shoots!Ooooooooo.......exciting!