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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow Boardin Heaven - one year ago...

Well it's finally cold enough around here to start enjoying some winter sports. This past week has had it's highlights of some seriously fun iceskating (not the dinky in-a-rink-stuff: imagine 150+skaters playing freezetag on a pond) and some good snowboarding (I could post a pic of my nice shiner I got last night due to a collision, but won't even tho the swelling has gone down considerably ;o)

But such fun reminded me of the incredible trip we took exactly one year ago this week to the beautiful Big Sky, Montana. In a group of 17 (only 3 of us were boarders) we spent an entire week exploring the incredible Lone Peak Mountain at over 11,000 ft. So I had to dig up a few was incredible (and slightly intimidating as it was only the second year for me boarding!)

Even thought the slopes were awesome, one of my biggest highlights was taking some time the last day to catch some sweet jumps made by the daring young men :o) The photo above is comprises of almost 20 different photos that I merged together (!!!) And below is my Jacob, an incredible boarder ;o) If I wasn't gripping a camera, I'd be biting my fingernails.... ;o)

and the view from our front porch...

And here I planted myself on the slope coming off the peak to try and capture the guys zooming past

Me and my sweetheart with the incredible scenery at the top

Yours truly ;o)

We took a day to go snowbomobiling: I took this one blind over Jacob's shoulder (@70mph and sub-zero temps) while desperately trying to hang on! It's a wonder my poor 20D hasn't given up the ghost with all I've put it through! ;o)

A pic to give you an idea just how steep some of these slopes were.....(aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!)

Cool shadows on the lift........ ;o)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The sweeter things in life.....

This was such a crazy fun shoot....I think this is my favorite, but I refuse to commit ;o)

Jacob tagged along for this shoot, and it's a good thing he did as he came up with the idea for this great shot :o)

he he...couldn't resist posting this.....this is what Jacob does when he isn't setting up awesome shots ;o)

See the rest of the images in the slideshow!!!
{ps - warning for the sappy: kinda teared up listenin to the words of the song...;o)}

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Over the ocean and thru the woods... ;o)

He he I've been so ancy to go somewhere again - going on almost 2 years since I've been outa the country! ;o) So I couldn't be any more excited about our trip coming just a couple of weeks!

We are leaving Feb 9th from Philly to Rome where we will galavant around Italy for a few days (have to be in Venice over Valentine's Day.....bummer) and then we are going taking a hop and a skip over to Israel where will be exploring and visiting with friends for 2 weeks. **delighted squeal** This will be a return trip for me to Israel, and Jacob's first - it's gonna be so great! And one of the biggest highlights will be meeting up with one of the most dearest people in the world **love ya Mary** who's currently living over there, and will hopefully be a willing accomplice in our adventures. ;o)

Just had to share some of my giggles.......

ps - this will be great because I'll be able to "redo" my photos of Israel. explaination: I was there just outa highschool and wasn't into photography yet and only had a small point and shoot canon...I look back and crinkly my nose with disdain.. 'I took those?'

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Engagement: Vince & Samantha

Yes, I've been absent for awhile. This time of year is supposedly the "slow" season, but I've yet to find that personally true. :o)

Today, I had the pleasure of taking the engagement photos of two terribly dear people that Jacob and I are blessed to call friends. It's amazing that the weather was nice enough to even have a shoot today in January, even though I'm know poor Sam was freezing considering her southerly roots. ;o) We had so much fun - here are your teasers guys!

I love love love this one, and I just happened to think that it went along with one of my favorite sayings ;o)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Time rolls by.. ;o)

Happy New Year!
Wow, this past month has just flown by, busy with work but also delightfully punctuated with good times with great friends. Following are just a smattering of some of the good times over the past month....

We began the month squeezing in several Hanukah celebrations in one day *thanks to Crystal for the pics, as I forgot my camera! ;o)*

Later our "gang" set forth to have a 'refined' evening on the town, dressed to the hilt down at the Inner Harbor ;o) Such great memories made that night, despite the nasty sleety blustery weather.

had to snap a few with long shutters as we dashed through the rain - quite the feat I think especially in heels ;o)

You're bound to have blunders when you work with camera timers! ;o)

Jacob and I - aren't we spiffy? he he

Some pics with dear Ariel, who is now off in wintry Wyoming (ok yeah, you know I'm jealous...;o)

Danny and Jacob taking a turn running the cameras.

Another "night on the town" - in a limo with our own delightful cabby ;o) Thanks guys - that was too much fun!!!

Had to share a pic of my first non-boxmix cake ;o) It actually turned out not too bad! There's hope for me yet!

I have way to much fun at's a couple of the dear ladies (ladies being the minority at Martins) that I have the pleasure of working with!
Deanna and I - Brenda got a little shutter happy, shooting away - we had to reclaim the camera through near force ;o)

Brenda and I - awwww so sweet ;o)

Jacob and I having fun painting Jacob's latest project - a huge beautiful close cabinet. He's even givin me free reign to paint decorative stuff on the doors ;o) he he, can't wait!

News Year at our house was a blast....not getting around to sleepin til 7 or 8 am ;o)