Well it's finally cold enough around here to start enjoying some winter sports. This past week has had it's highlights of some seriously fun iceskating (not the dinky in-a-rink-stuff: imagine 150+skaters playing freezetag on a pond) and some good snowboarding (I could post a pic of my nice shiner I got last night due to a collision, but won't even tho the swelling has gone down considerably ;o)
But such fun reminded me of the incredible trip we took exactly one year ago this week to the beautiful Big Sky, Montana. In a group of 17 (only 3 of us were boarders) we spent an entire week exploring the incredible Lone Peak Mountain at over 11,000 ft. So I had to dig up a few pics.....sigh.....wow......that was incredible (and slightly intimidating as it was only the second year for me boarding!)
Even thought the slopes were awesome, one of my biggest highlights was taking some time the last day to catch some sweet jumps made by the daring young men :o) The photo above is comprises of almost 20 different photos that I merged together (!!!) And below is my Jacob, an incredible boarder ;o) If I wasn't gripping a camera, I'd be biting my fingernails.... ;o)
and the view from our front porch...
And here I planted myself on the slope coming off the peak to try and capture the guys zooming past
Me and my sweetheart with the incredible scenery at the top
Yours truly ;o)
We took a day to go snowbomobiling: I took this one blind over Jacob's shoulder (@70mph and sub-zero temps) while desperately trying to hang on! It's a wonder my poor 20D hasn't given up the ghost with all I've put it through! ;o)
A pic to give you an idea just how steep some of these slopes were.....(aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!)
Cool shadows on the lift........ ;o)