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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Megan Class of 08

Wow, this young lady was such a blast to work with. Both her and her mom were just super cool ;o) willing to try anything, stop anywhere! That ease and creativity I think definitely shows in the images we captured, in between all the giggles and the genuinly good time we had! Our "near death experience" from this shoot only was as bad as startling a huge grumpy groundhog, who dutifully scooted back into his hole (different from a previous experience I had with a groundhog once, when I was actually chased!). Thankfully, nobody was to freaked out by that...we just posted mom at the hole to keep an eye out!

This is my favorite image from the entire shoot, although there were quite a few in the runnings for that title. :o) Love the pureness and light in it! Between the two of us, laughing was a staple in the conversation.

This post-groundhog shot shows that Megan is still carefree!

I love the funky angle of this shot - showing off her too cool shoes ;o)

Gotta love expressions!

Watch the slideshow for more photos!!!

Please let me know what you think - leave a comment or drop me an email!


Laura said...

Hey Heather,

You left a comment on my blog so I came over and checked out your stuff. Love your style... And that midair shot looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, Wow... u do an Amazing job!!!!!!! They are really fun & carefree! Have a Super Day! ~ Charlene

(mckay) said...


Can I just say that your work is INCREDIBLE?

I just started really experimenting with photography last year and have every desire and aspiration to one day reach a level of art comparable to yours!

Truly, I love your style. It speaks to me. =) I wish I had more time to improve my skills... but for now I just play around when I find a few moments. I also reeeaaalllly want to get my hands on an SLR camera. For now I just try to make the best use of my Costco clarence camera... =)

I finally got a REAL photoshop program (Adobe) and am very much anticipating the day I can sit down and learn how to REALLY make some art!

Thanks for the blog visit (I'm totally flattered) and I will definitely be "favoriting" your blog for future inspiration!
