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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Explore Award Contest

These are the three images I've entered in Jesh De Rox's Explore Awards. Jesh's amazing photography has been so inspiring to me - I would love the chance to go to one of his workshops! Looking forward to seeing who makes the nominations later this week!

Entry for "exploratory image"

Entry for "connection"

Entry for "exploratory post-processing"


Kate said...

WOW! Following the link from my blog and I'm blown away by your Jesh entries! Beautiful!

Angie Monson said...

These look amazing!

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

Hi Heather! I'm following your link too and I love these!!! I especially love love the last one!

Jennifer said...

HEather thank you for visiting my blog, what a surprise! And wow your work is absolutely stunning! I love the creativity and the textures you use!

Jason McGrew said...

Heather, best of luck in Jesh's contest. His work is amazing and I can only imagine what his workshop is like!

Your work is outstanding.

Happy Holidays!!

ideagirl said...

Yeah Heather -- what they said. Love the PP one. LOVE.
