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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tyler Class of 08

I've had the, um..., how shall I say...**pleasure, yeah that'll work ;o)** pleasure working with Tyler over the past several months as he's been helping in the Estimating office at David H. Martins. We had a grand time invading his grandparents really cool property to get some great shots. You can't hardly tell in the photos, but it was absolutely frigid! Thanks for being a great sport Tyler! ;o)

This is my fav - it's color temp and odd composition adds uniqueness to this relaxed portrait - yeah, if you haven't figured it out by now, I like odd ;o)

Just a guy and his truck :o)

I totally dig this one too - going for that odd thing again! ;o) Hey, after you edit gazillions of photos, the unique is harder to achieve on a personal level...always try to push that edge :o)

Watch the slideshow!!! I loved this song - especially the reference which made me think of Tyler's sweet Grandma! ;o)

1 comment:

Alana said...

I just stumbled onto your blog from a comment you left on McKay's blog. I love your work. It is stunning. I really like your use of textures with this. It looked like a great shoot. You really show his personality. They all look so relaxed but very well thought out. Thanks for posting. It made my day to see such great images.