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Saturday, December 22, 2007


Wow, just sharing some of my excitement that one of my photos made it into the nominations for Jesh De Rox's Explore Awards!

Jesh's {as well as his INCREDIBLE photog contemporaries Nate & Jaclyn, Brianna Graham, and Jessica Claire} sifted through hundreds of sunbmissions to put into 3 categories for the people's choice awards - and I actually made it in! So it's up to the voters (yeah, that's you) to get on his blog and vote for your favorites in each category! (mine is in the exploratory image category # EI-8)


This is such a HUGE honor for me, as the judges for this contest are literally the cream of the crop in my book when it comes to photographic inspiration! So, although I would love to get the chance to go to one of Jesh's workshops (thats the grand prize for the most votes....;o)**hint hint**) I'm still just tickled to death to have made it in. ***ear-to-ear grin***

This photo also has special significance as it was one from the FIRST shoot I did this year, which was the kickoff to "developing" my own personal style. Up til when I stopped doing shoots last year as Heather Picard, I was struggling to find out if I even wanted to continue with my photography, frustrated with my seemingly stagnant view of taking pictures. And then this year, after the wedding, as Heather Meyers, I DID decide to continue on, with great support from my dear Jacob. And since then, I've been having a blast looking at photography as a true artform, experimenting with great fervor (he he sounds intense) to define who I am as a photographer.

So that first shoot was huge when it came to trying out new approaches (thanks so much Jesse for being so accomodating!!!). I remember shrieking with excitement when I snapped this photo; I loved the composition so much right out of the camera (I didn't do any ps cropping at all!). So this photo is a big hoorah for stepping out on a limb! ;o)


.E. said...


Jesh de Rox said...

it's a stunning image, and i'm so glad you entered it!!!

much love,

jesh : )

Anonymous said...

Wow looove this image. It rocks!

ron said...

heather all your shots that you submitted are just awesome. keep it up!!!

Kate said...

So exciting! Good luck to you!!

(and if you attend the workshop I'll see you there!)

c r y s t a l said...


And thank you for stopping by my blog!

You do great work! Keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! GREAT image ;). thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog! -c

Anonymous said...

Congrats on clobbering me! And thanks for the comment on my blog. Your work is excellent, I'm excited to follow your journeys....

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather, wonderful image... i really liked this one's a photo that sticks in your mind long after viewing it.. CONGRATS...
thanks so much for my blog comment, really means a lot to me...

Anonymous said...

Heather, i forgot to kids actually voted for yours.. thinking it was mine..they thought the numbers were at the bottom of the you got our vote...!! hehehe...

vanessadiephotography said...

Hi Heather, thank you for stopping by my site. I love your work and the photos you entered in the contest are amazing.

God Bless!