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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 3 PISA

Pisa is just a darling little city, all quaint and colorful, full of Italian charm ;o) We left Rome, took a 1.5 hr train ride to Florence and then other 1 hour local train ride out to Pisa. We decided to only walk once we got there, as there is more to see when you do that {and it's cheaper ;o)}

The colorful houses all delightfully packed together all had equally colorful shutters and pretty little window boxes

A city of bikes - which seemed like the preferred mode of transportation, sensible as most of the streets are pretty "skinny" ;o)

And then we came upon the great tower itself!

Yeah, I know this is terribly touristy but who can resist?!! ;o)

More (but only a few) of the cool sites around the city

1 comment:

Jessica Leija said...

Hi Heather!

Your Aunt Lisa told me about your site! My husband, Steven, and I are good friends of Jeff & Lisa here in Texas. I too am a photographer and graphic designer. I really like your work; your ability to take an image and turn into a work of art is amazing! If you dont mind I would like to link you to my photography blog.

Great images!
Take Care!
Jessica Leija