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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Little Girls...

Today turned out to be a gorgeous and WARM day for a shoot. It's a good thing, as I've photographed these girls for their Christmas card for years now, and it seems we always end up freezing to death! Here's a few quick peeks for mom!

Okay, I know this shot is not your perfect portrait, but it just cracks me up! ;o) Luisa was quite the ham, well schooled in goofiness and sarcasm for her short 3 years [don't know where she got that from! love ya Maria! ;o)] So these rockin tights make this impromptu snap a keeper for me! [Funny, I don't know how I even got this shot, cuz we even tried to 'recreate' it for a better shot, but to no avail - another "one-of-a-kind" ;o)]

I think I'll dub this wide angle+cool tights the "Alison in Wonderland effect" ;o)

and the older and wiser Sophia ;o)

such dear sisters

trying to capture the gorgeous sunlight on the trees


Anonymous said...

Amazing!! You are awesome Heather!I love the Alice In Wonderland one....a bit disturbing yet so cool! Can't wait to see the rest! Signed, mother of these two darlings.

Alana said...

There is tons of emotion on that last one with them walking hand in hand in the park. Love the processing. Sometimes the use of textures looks weird and out of place, but you always make them look appropiate and so natural. Great eye.