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Friday, April 25, 2008

Baseball Season is here again...

I love this time of year and hanging out at my siblings ball games. And with four of them playing ball this year, there should be plenty of games to see! First to enjoy this year was my brother Jacob, a sophmore playing for the Chambersburg Trojans.

He's gonna hate me for posting this, but I love good sequence shots ;o)

I think if baseball doesn't work out for these guys they might have a future with Riverdance ;o) I'm a terrible sister for poking fun, so in acutuality this was a great scoop and throw to first by Jacob that got the runner out.

Gotta love the great Picard facial expressions ;o) This next one is double great because both feet are also hovering above the ground :o)

Team huddle

Some of Jacob's teammates...

1 comment:


sports photography!??? seriously is there no end to your talent? love them!! have an incredible weekend heather!