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Friday, April 25, 2008

Trojan Triple Play!!!

Wow, went to a great ballgame tonight! And in the top of the 5th, my bro Jacob Picard playin shortstop made this insane catch from a hard hit.

The catch would've been good enough by itself, but it was also the start of an amazing triple play - he threw to second, out, then a throw to first, out! 3 outs in a matter of a few seconds! That doesn't happen very often! Great playing guys!!! :o)

tryin to snag him stealin...but he was safe ;o)

roundin the bases

A great slide by Justin

Everybody's happy at the end of a great game :o)

1 comment:

.E. said...

ohhhhh how I love baseball.. nice series of images here..congrats to your bro.