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Friday, October 12, 2007

Lavern and Saundra

This wedding is also of another dear couple who are good friends of ours. Lavern was best man in our wedding just several months ago, and Jacob was able to return the favor by being Lavern's best man. I, again, was just the second shooter {since I don't actually do weddings anymore ;o)} while the talented Carolyn Meyers (no, no direct relation) was the main photographer. Here are my favs.

How about a Hummer for a bridal carriage? :o) Jacob got to drive the bridal party to the reception in this. He was just little excited about that....

Here we are

And our husbands :o)


Jennifer said...

oh wow these are all so beautiful. I just love your conversions on all of these! Beautiful work!

Kathy Martin said...

Just gorgeous Heather!

Anonymous said...

simply amazing. :)