This was for me, hands down, the most fun I've ever had a senior shoot - and I plan on having lots more just like it! Jesse was such a dear and a kindred spirit when it comes to the artsy part of our brains. :o) She was into trying everything - and so we did! We had a blast driving around downtown Chambersburg, and as soon as we saw something that looked like a good picture op, we veared off the road for a few shots ( how many times will two people yell out "oooohh cool dumpster!" happened, believe me ;o) I never knew Chambersburg had so many cool places! We were also able to spend a little time out in Jesse's neck of the woods with a magnificent white barn and accompanying fields of golden rod (thankfully for me I took plenty of allergy medication). No crazy shoot would be complete without a near-death experience, and for us it was jumping in and out of the way of traffic to get those great road shots (don't worry moms, it really wasn't that terrible ;o)
Enjoy the photos and let me know what you think of them!
Play the slideshow to see more of the photos and all the fun we had taking them!
I had such a terrible time whittling down the choices for the final photos; I took quite a bundle. We took photos til there was absolutely no light left to work with - and that's really dark. I've gotta start working on more of minimalist approach if I'm going to keep my sanity. ***mental note*** "don't go crazy with shooting just because you have a gorgeous girl, perfect lighting, and amazing locations"
Heather - You do AMAZING SHOTS!!! I am so impressed. You've got to get discovered 'cause every picture has life...great perspective...great photoshop's just stunning! I'm here in Dallas showing your work to a buddy and both our jaws dropped when we saw the senior shots...then the he commented that a couple of the wedding shots are remeniscent of Norman Rockwall prints. Keep up the great work! By the way will you travel???
By the way, I'm finally finishing Jessie and Sonny's wedding video (despicable I know). Thanks for being a part of that and blessing my family with your photographic talent! You've come a long way since then but even then you did fabulous work.
Jeremy Schoenwald
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